You are currently viewing 5 AMAZING USES OF 3D IN WEB DESIGN – EN


The great trend that prevails in the world of web design today has increased the number of times we come across 3D elements. But despite the use of flat designs, the opportunity to be truly creative via 3d web is on the rise, and this has caused designers to start mixing and mixing styles on landing pages and web pages as well. This is one of the reasons we find pages with a mix of flat and 3D design styles.

A few years ago, as recently as 2011, the use of 3D elements used to be all the rage, and that was when CSS3 and HTML5 entered the field. WebGL, which was a JavaScript API, was the tool used to implement most 3D graphics when used with a suitable browser without the use of plugins. However, 3D elements are still used today, and their effectiveness in design cannot be denied.

However, the continuous development of online 3D elements has not stopped, and several quite effective implementations have been found.

This article will reveal five amazing uses of 3D in web design; Some of the designs are epic or flashy, while others are a bit subtle or subdued.

These 3D designs will show you the importance of getting started on your next design project:

1. Awesome animated header with street art inspiration. Although it is a no-fuss design, the execution of this concept is quite brilliant. This browser-based 3D effect using a combination of WebGL and CSS 3D.

2. Another use of interactive 3D offers a variety of menu options in an elegant and unique way. You can see the 3D effect when you visit a payment platform, in addition to using three.js as an advanced level framework conceptualizes WebGL, which makes it easy to load objects, materials, configuration of
lighting etc

Maps – The UK’s national mapping agency, Ordnance Survey, also known as one of the world’s largest map producers, has updated its OS Maps website to include accurate 3D maps of the countryside of Great Britain.

4. A floating city is depicted almost entirely in 3D on novel websites and what strikes the mind is the creative intellect that went into the design and the way it blends seamlessly with the app.

5. A project was recently launched that aims to invite users to deliberate on the future of the world, as well as the opportunities and threats it may bring.

Earth 2050 is a website that was designed by Possible, a studio located in Moscow and its purpose is to invite illustrators and designers to upload their visualization of the future through an interactive portal. The main page of Earth 2050 shows a
rotating planet (Earth) that is subdivided into geographical areas, and each of these areas represents a forecast about a particular aspect of life in 2050. Illustrators or designers and artists can upload your composition or work while members of the public you can leave your individual comments on whether or not such predictions will come true.